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Business Security

Business Security – Midway Lock & Safe Business Security Requires Attention to These Details. The majority of all business losses are caused by the companies’ employees. But the current economic environment has also led to an increase in crimes against businesses by intruders. And there’s a new risk to all businesses which did not exist ten years ago: outside electronic intrusion. It’s more commonly called “hacking”. The sensitive data stored on your computer system is now every bit as vulnerable as your physical business. Business owners today must be on constantly on the lookout for theft, pilferage, burglary or property damage. And must now also be constantly on the lookout for evidence of hacking. Regard your business as a fort, and ask yourself, “Is my fort secure?” Here is a checklist of items to be covered before you can say you have adequate protection for your business. Doors and Windows Must be Lockable and Secure The doors, windows and the locks on those doors and windows are the first point of access to an intruder or anyone else after business hours. Start with the doors: this is the first obstacle any burglar or intruder would encounter. Is this a sturdy door? Could someone kick it in easily? Is there a good lock on the door? Ask any locksmith: a burglar needs only one thing — time — to open any lock. Front and rear access doors should be fitted with more than one lock, and should have a deadbolt lockable only from the inside. Windows should be checked in the same way. Every window should be lockable from the inside, and should be locked when the premises is vacant. If a window breaks, even a small one, get it fixed immediately. If a lock on a window does not adequately secure the window, replace the lock immediately. Check every lock in your business and make sure they work and do what they are supposed to do. Remember that the doors inside the premises also must be secure and should always be locked at night. Confuse the intruder: lock the broom-closet, not just the computer room: let the intruder spend valuable time unlocking a door only to find there are cleaning materials inside. Every interior office should be locked at night. An Alarm System Must Be In Place An alarm system is now an essential part of business security. Choose a reputable alarm company — ask your neighbors – – and make sure they provide either armed response or a direct line to the police. Provide the alarm company and the police with your emergency phone number, the emergency phone number of any manager or employee who lives close by the business premises, and a list of all personnel authorized to be on the premises after hours. Install an alarm system that allows you to allocate a separate passcode for each employee. That way, if there is a problem with unauthorized access, you should know who is responsible. You and/or a trusted senior employee should have a list of all the passcodes for all employees. And remember – the moment you fire/terminate an employee, change his/her alarm passcode. Closed Circuit Camera Shows You Everything Now look at the daytime access to your business. Can anybody walk in during the day? These days it is becoming less and less advisable to allow public access to a business without first being identified. At the very least, install a simple microphone intercom system so a caller may buzz you and you ask them to identify themselves before deciding whether to admit them. Installing a closed-circuit TV camera system s the next level of security: see who it is before letting them in. Adding a door strike so you then “buzz” people in will add another level of security. Controlled Access There are major advances in controlled-access today that allow a fairly high level of security in premises access. Authorized personnel may be issued with a passcode, a magnetic strip card reader, or even a fingerprint or eye-read entry system. Surveillance Cameras With Remote Monitoring Installing surveillance cameras is another essential part of business security. Your business premises must be covered by cameras front, back, side and everywhere inside. Don’t cut corners here: buy cameras that have the capability to see in very low light or even in total darkness, and that allow you to pan, tilt and zoom remotely. Connect the entire camera system to the Internet so you or your security personnel may view the output from your cameras anywhere in the world. Business owners are using DVR to cut costs: one security officer can now monitor several areas or even multiple locations. Install professional equipment that will do the job. Safes & Fireproof StorageMany businesses now rely on a safe to store their most valuable assets. This can be data storage disks, sensitive documents, cash and other valuables. It’s probably a good idea to keep your customers’ private/personal confidential information in a good safe. Make a copy of the key to your safe, and give it to someone you trust, preferably off-premises. If you lose your safe key, it will always be safe (excuse the pun) with your trusted friend/neighbor. If you do not want to get into the expense of a safe, then you should at least have a fire-resistant storage cabinet for valuable documents or data. These are not totally fire-proof, and will probably be destroyed in a very serious fire. But they are still better than leaving them in an office drawer in case of fire or flood or earthquake. Back Up All Data and Surveillance Footage Make sure your DVR system has a battery backup system in case of power outage. If possible, record offsite: that way you will still have footage even in case of a serious disaster. If you know your neighbors, ask them to install a camera on their premises that points at your business. Offer to install one on your premises that points

Kids Safe at Home

Leaving Kids Safe at Home Alone. Busy parents often find they must leave children home alone for extended periods of time. Assuming the kids are of legal age where they may be left unattended, there are many precautions a parent can take to ensure the safety of the kids in the parents’ absence. Always Have An Emergency Plan First of all, the kids must always know where their parents are in case of emergency. Make sure the kids have your phone number at work. If you go out somewhere for the evening, write down the number of the place you will be going and place it next to the phone. Today, with cell phones, communicating is easier. If you leave kids home alone, make sure your cell phone ringer is activated so you can hear them wherever you are if they call. If you are attending the theater or an important meeting, set your cell phone to vibrate so that an incoming call won’t disturb others but you won’t miss it if it’s an emergency. The next thing to do is secure the house. All doors and windows must be lockable from the inside. Doors should have a deadbolt. Teach your kids to keep the front and back doors locked at all times when they are home alone. Never leave a key under the mat for kids to retrieve when they get home. Either find a secure hiding place for keys away from view of the street , or, ideally, each kids should have their own key, tied to their belt-loop, their wrist or on a string around their neck. Never attach a house key to a school backpack – the key should be kept securely on one’s person. A neighbor or relative should also have a spare front-door key in case of emergency. The lock is the key (excuse the pun) to easy entry. A weak lock can easily be broken and entry gained. A broken lock will make it even easier for an intruder to gain entry. And a lock that works fine but isn’t locked is of no use to you and is the intruder’s best friend. Never cut corners when it comes to locks. Locks are cheaper and simpler than video surveillance systems and alarm systems. Make sure you have good locks and they all work. Check every lock in the house and fix the ones that are faulty, defective or worn out. And always keep doors and windows locked. Never leave the house or go to sleep without checking that all locks have been locked. Make it a habit to check the locks every time. Secure Locks are Necessary in These Places:Your Front Door, Rear Door, Garage Door/s, Service Door/s, Patio Doors, all Sliding Glass Door, the gate (front and rear) to your property. If you have a swimming pool or a guest house, make sure those too have secure locks. And keep them locked. The policy for admitting someone who comes to the front door should be clear. Kids should know that they are not to admit anyone into the home while the parents are away, unless they know the individual personally. There are several devices you can use to assist you. At the very minimum, every front and back door should be fitted with a peephole to see the caller. Make sure the area immediately around the door is well lit so the caller may be seen. The simplest security device on the door is a chain, which enables you to open the door slightly to see and hear a visitor while preventing the caller from easy entry. A simple audio intercom system is the next step up, enabling the caller to be heard and spoken to. Install a single camera above the door and .attach it to a monitor by the door or in any room, and your kids can see who is at the door. The next level up is to install video surveillance cameras throughout the house. This way, you can keep an eye on the kids over the Internet from any computer. If you attach a microphone to your cameras, you will be able to have two-way conversations with your kids: you can see and hear them and they can see and hear you. Some parents are using such cameras as tools to help their kids with homework and solve other problems even though the parents are away from the house. It’s All About Vigilance. The bottom line in home safety where kids are concerned is vigilance and planning. The kids should know what they should be doing at home when they are alone. Kids home alone should avoid lighting stoves, using an iron, or making a fire in the fireplace. Microwaves and toaster ovens with a timer should be used for heating and cooking. Gas stoves should not be used without adult supervision. If you have a fire going in the fireplace when you have to leave the house, best to put it out, or place a screen in front of the fire and make sure the kids know there is a fire going. If everyone leaves the house, the fire must be extinguished before the last person leaves: never leave a fire or candles burning in a house while no-one is home. Always keep a working fire extinguisher on every floor, make sure smoke alarms are working, and keep several flashlights around in case the power goes out. If possible, have a relative or neighbor drop by to check on the kids. These visits don’t have to occur at a specific time — in fact, random visits are better for both parties: the relative/neighbor does not have to worry about sticking to a schedule, and the kids never know when they will be visited, so it keeps everyone on their toes. Know when the kids are due to be coming home, and make periodic check-up calls to see that everything is OK. Don’t worry about looking

Staying Safe – Personal Security Protection

Personal Security Unless you have a Black Belt in the martial arts, everyone needs some sort of personal security protection today, especially if you live in a large city or travel through lonely parts of the countryside. One can choose from a variety of personal security devices which can help keep you safe, and there are a also many basic safety precautions one should always be keeping in mind when thinking about your personal safety and protection. First there are the protection devices. A very effective deterrent against attackers and muggers is the personal safety alarm — the “screamer” — a device which emits a piercing scream when activated by the user. The loud noise immediately attracts the attention of everyone in sight and immediately deters a potential attacker. Even if there is no-one in sight, the attacker backs off because he knows this will attract attention. Another effective protection device is the pepper spray or mace canister. These devices will stop almost any attacker. Pepper spray may be bought over the counter in most states. There is even a pepper spray device that looks like a pen. You will need a certificate to carry mace, which also means that you will require some basic training in the handling of mace. Concealed weapons — guns and knives — are a very effective deterrent against personal attack. But concealed weapons are also illegal to carry. Remember Bernard Goetz? He shot three muggers on the New York subway and ended up sentenced to six months in jail for carrying a concealed weapon. You have to weigh the cost between saving your life in an emergency and breaking the law. No-one can decide this for you. Besides the basic personal security devices, there are several things you can do on an ongoing basis to make yourself a less-likely target. The bottom line is vigilance: always be alert. Lock doors securely before leaving your home or place of business. Make sure you have your keys with you — it’s amazing how many times people leave their keys in their door. Vary your route to work — don’t take exactly the same route every day. If anyone is watching you, this should throw them off. Keep your car doors locked while you are driving. Look in your rear-view mirror often when driving. If you think someone is following you, try and lose them like in the movies. If this doesn’t work, try driving to a police or Highway Patrol station. Unless you are being tailed by law enforcement, this usually sends them away. When you get home, park in the garage and lock the garage door. Make sure your garage is always well-lit. If you find yourself alone in a dark and lonely part of town, a smart thing to do is get on your cell phone (or pretend you’re on your cell phone) and make like you are having a conversation with someone. Somehow, an attacker is less likely to attack someone who is actually talking to someone on the phone. If you don’t have your cell phone with you, and you think the situation is getting serious, start acting completely crazy — sing, dance, make weird noises — do anything to make a potential mugger think you are crazy. No-one wants to start anything with a crazy person. This works every time. Always let family and close friends know where you are. If you are leaving the office for a friend’s house, call and let them know you are leaving now, and maybe even what route you are taking. If you don’t show up after a certain reasonable time, they can immediately begin to do something about it. A relative or friend should always know where you are at all times. If you live alone, make sure you check in with someone every day: if you don’t check in one day, they will know something is wrong. If you have a serious medical condition or other reason that requires it, you should be fitted with an emergency medical alert device that will alert paramedics in a medical emergency. More and people today are installing video surveillance systems to keep an eye on loved ones, particularly elderly or bedridden family members. If you are famous or are in the public eye for any reason, you may need personal security protection beyond which you can provide on your own. Many people in the public eye cannot go out without a personal security guard, even if it’s just to prevent being mobbed by the public. A driver or chauffeur is often the choice of people who desire a higher level of personal security. People today often choose to be driven in a nondescript, regular automobile rather than a flashy limousine. Corporate executives and foreign diplomats may have their car fitted with bulletproof windows, armor-plating, and other protection against terrorist attacks or kidnapping attempts. The average person need not be concerned about these issues: only famous people get assassinated, and only rich people get kidnapped — you need to make sure you don’t get mugged behind the Safeway.

Preventing Employee Theft With Video Surveillance

Your Employees Are Stealing From You Most theft against businesses is committed by employees of those businesses. Although a business may set up intricate systems of security to reduce employee theft, the most effective method for preventing employee theft is the installation of video surveillance cameras throughout the business. After you install surveillance cameras, you will notice a marked difference in the behavior of your employees: they know they are on camera and they will change their behavior immediately. When they know they âre being videotaped, store clerks become more polite to customers, kitchen staff observe higher Health Department standards, and cashiers know that a camera is watching them every time they open the cash register. This has an immediate effect on your customer service and on your bottom line. Video surveillance systems are now an essential element of business security. They are affordable and easy to install, and new allow you to zoom, pan and tilt your cameras from a remote location, to view your cameras from anywhere in the world via the Internet, and even to see clearly in total darkness. Surveillance cameras should be placed everywhere your employees are throughout the business premises. Make sure that entrances and exits are well-covered, as well as hallways, common areas as well as private ones. Be sure to place good cameras over cash registers, safes, and the main computer server. Do not forget to place them in places like break-rooms and kitchens. People change their behavior when they know they are being watched. It’s like having a supervisor everywhere. Post Warning Signs If you intend using as evidence the footage you are recording, the law requires you to post signs that people are being recorded. “Smile, you are on camera” or “Premises under video surveillance” is sufficient. If you do not post such warning signs, you may not use the video as evidence. Some businesses prefer the anonymous route: they don’t post warning signs and use covert video for their own security purposes. Businesses often add a second surveillance camera system to the first one. This second system is often covert, and most employees do not know about this second system. This configuration records any attempt to tamper with the main DVR system. If you record your camera output to a remote location on a permanent basis, this will make it impossible for anyone — employee or intruder — to prevent you from recording and keeping any incriminating footage. Either way, your DVR system should be kept in a locked drawer or cabinet, keep the access password confidential, and make sure one of your cameras is placed to get a good shot of the DVR system itself. Archive Employee Video Footage Employee surveillance footage must be kept for an extended period of time: if a situation arises with an employee, you may need to play back something that happened months ago. Camera footage should be backed up weekly, and stored in a different location for safety. You should keep archived employee footage for at least a year. You never know when you might need it. And if you do, you’ll be glad you have it.

Home Security – A Primer

Home Security – Protect Your Family Your home is the biggest investment you will likely ever make. Home security is vital. Once you buy a home, there is one more serious investment you will have to make – home security. If you take certain precautions and make some investment, you can make your home a comfortable and safe place – when you and your family are home, when you are away but the kids are home, or when the entire family is away from home. The FBI reports that 65% of all burglaries are residential. The Washington Post tells us that the average loss per burglary is $1,725. When attempting to make your home secure, consider these basic issues: Secure The Perimeter There is an old saying: “Good fences make good neighbors”. A secure fence, hedge or wall must completely surround your property. No-one should be able to walk onto your property unhindered. If you keep your gate open during the day, close it at night. An open gate is an invitation to enter your property. Check All Your Doors All doors must be securely fastened on their hinges, must have a strong, secure, dead-bolt locked from the inside, and a strong, secure lock on the outside. A peep-hole is a good idea, so you can see who is knocking. An audio intercom is also good so you can talk to your visitor before admitting them. If you have a surveillance system (see below) you should have one camera trained on the door so you can also see your visitor before admitting them. Check All Windows All windows must be lockable from the inside. If a window pane breaks, repair it immediately. Never leave downstairs windows open when no-one is home. Hang net curtains in front of windows to prevent people from seeing into the house during the day, heavy drapes are necessary to prevent anyone from seeing in at night. Always draw the drapes at night, whether you will be home or not. Install a Burglar Alarm System A burglar alarm is a very good idea. Engage a company that provides armed response or whose alarm signal goes directly to the police. Use only reputable companies: check the signs on your neighbors’ fences and ask neighbors or friends for a recommendation. Lighting Reduces CrimeLight every area of your property. A well-lit yard deters intruders. Install motion detectors to activate lights automatically when someone enters the area. Attach night sensors so lights come on automatically when it gets dark, even (especially) if you are not home. Interior lights can also be set to come on at sunset or at a certain, predetermined time. Always make it look like there is someone home. Install Surveillance CamerasThese are increasingly becoming a necessary part of home security. A good system will be able to capture video even in very low light, and you can keep an eye on your home from anywhere over the internet. DVR systems can record up to three months’ of video. If you want to use your surveillance video to prosecute somebody, you must place signs on your property to the effect that the property is under video surveillance. If you do not intend to use the video to prosecute anyone, you do not need to post any warning signs. When you are away for the evening: If you are going out for the evening, or you know you will not be home by dark, follow some basic procedures and you will be OK. Turn on strategic interior and exterior lights (or set them to come on with timers or motion detection), lock downstairs windows, draw curtains, leave TV or radio on and ALWAYS make it look like there is someone home. And remember to lock the door before you leave. If you are leaving kids with a babysitter, make sure everyone knows where you are going, when you will be back, and how to reach you. These days with cell phones it’s easy. Hide Your Valuables Most people store valuables in their home. The most common hiding places are the bedroom dresser drawer, the closet, and the freezer. Guess what? According to the FBI, these are the first places that burglars look for valuables. These valuables can be easily stolen by an intruder. It is important to hide your valuables in places where they will be harder to find. A safe is the best place to store your valuables. Another good place is a safety deposit box at your local bank. When You Are Out of Town When you leave town: if you go out of town for more than one night, have a neighbor, relative or friend remove your mail and newspapers. Nothing screams “Empty Home” like piles of mail and newspapers by the front door or in the driveway. Ask this same person to check up on the place a couple times a day if possible. Some communities provide police drive-by inspections of unoccupied properties, so inform your local police before you go away. Also, make sure you inform your alarm company that you will be out of town – many alarm response services provide a patrol option: for a fee, they’ll come by several times a day and check that everything is okay and there have been no attempts at breaking or entering. Forward your home phone to your cell phone or someplace else where it can be answered. One of the best ways for a burglar to check if anyone is home is to call the home phone a number of times: if there is no answer, chances are there is nobody home. Use Common Sense:There are other things you can do to make your property more secure. Avoid leaving valuables lying where they can be seen from a window. Lock your car and park it in the garage. Never leave the front door key under the mat: if you leave a key for someone, tell them where you hide it and put

Find a Reliable Locksmith Service in Los Angeles

Everybody needs to find a reliable locksmith service. That’s because your home, your business and your car all require keys. These keys secure and open the locks which keep your property and your possessions safe from prying eyes and hands. Anything which is lockable and requires a key to open it means that the contents are valuable to you. Requirements for a Reliable Locksmith Service. When searching for a reliable locksmith, you must make sure that the company can cover all of the following issues and deals with them professionally and promptly: A good locksmith service should be able to provide you with spare keys, is able to make additional keys quickly, can re-key a single lock or every lock on your property, and can provide you with new locks. The better locksmith services can also handle the latest in key and entry technology – from transponder car keys to controlled access systems – which may use a number code, voice recognition, fingerprint recognition or eye recognition to restrict access. A good locksmith service should also be able to provide you with safes and/or fireproof document cabinets. Make sure you know the difference between an emergency locksmith service and a contract locksmith service. An emergency locksmith service should be able to provide lockout or re-keying service around the clock. An emergency locksmith service should also ideally be located fairly close to your business or residence so they can arrive quickly when needed, and you won’t be asked to pay extra for distance charges. An emergency locksmith service should be able to provide you with a firm price over the phone, and should be able to get to you within half an hour. A contract locksmith service does not have to be available 24/7. Typically, you will call a contract locksmith and make an appointment for them to come round, examine and diagnose your security issues and needs, and give you a firm quote. If the quote fits within your budget, you then schedule an appointment for them to come back and do the job. A good locksmith service should employ qualified, experienced technicians who have the right equipment to get the job done right and who know what they’re doing. Their service vehicle should carry parts and equipment to provide you with all you need in the field. The company you are researching should always be able to give you upfront pricing. Whether you are getting a quote for a single key or you are changing every lock in your premises, you should be told upfront exactly how much the job will cost you. If the locksmith has generated a written quote for you, make sure you get it by email before he arrives, or ask the locksmith to bring the written quote with him to your premises. Regardless of the type of services provided, a good locksmith service can always distinguish itself by providing good customer service. When you call, is your call answered by a live operator, or are you sent to voicemail? Is the representative friendly? Do they ask you the right questions before scheduling an appointment? Did they give you a fair quote? Do they follow up with the promised quote or visit to your premises? Make sure the locksmith service you choose has good customer service. Test the company’s dispatch time. If they boast that they can get to your location within a certain time, but when you call them you are put through to an answering service or voicemail, you cannot count on receiving prompt service from that company. A good locksmith service will take your call in person and should be able to dispatch a technician immediately if you have an emergency. .   The best locksmith services are approved by AAA. After becoming approved by AAA, these companies are allowed to use the AAA logo on their vehicles, their website, their invoices, and all their correspondence. The locksmith you ultimately choose should have its AAA approval. Spare Keys – Make Some Now A significant proportion of all calls to a locksmith involve the replacement of a lost, broken or stolen key or keys. To save you time, money and headaches down the road, it is a great idea to have a spare key for every lock you have on your premises. This includes your residence, your business premises, and your car. Arrange to have these spare keys made right now: the best time to have these keys made is when you don’t have an emergency situation where you might have to pay premium prices because you lost or broke a key in the middle of the night or on a weekend or public holiday. If you know that your key/s were stolen, you will need to re-key the lock/s as well. Keep your spare keys in a safe place where you can find them easily, and where a family member can find them and bring them to you if you find yourself in an emergency situation. If you own a multi-unit commercial or residential property, it might be a good idea to make a master key which fits every lock on the property. Make all these spare keys now, before an emergency situation arises. Now you know what constitutes a reliable locksmith service. How do you locate this elusive beast? Get Recommendations: The very best way to find a reliable locksmith service is through recommendations from someone who has used this company before and is satisfied with the service, pricing, customer service, and everything else that you consider important. You can get recommendations from any of the following sources: Ask everyone you know if they can recommend a good locksmith service. Ask family members, business associates, co-workers, friends and anyone else you trust. A personal recommendation is the best referral. In the age of peer review sites, it is becoming harder and harder for crooks and charlatans to stay in business. Check review sites like Yelp, Google+ for good reviews. Make

How to Create A Strong Computer Password

Computer Security – How to Create and Protect a Strong Password. A strong computer password to restrict access to your computer system from unauthorized access is vital to your business security. Your password is your first line of defense, and should be taken very seriously: The last thing you want is to compromise your data, your company secrets, and your clients’ confidential information. Once someone accesses your computer, they may now be able to access your bank accounts, credit cards, Social Security number and other information that you do not want others to have. A strong password must be difficult for a hacker to figure out, must be changed often, and must be kept in a safe place where no-one else may find it. A good password must contain at least eight characters, must include UPPER CASE and lower case letters, and must contain several numbers. You should also use special characters – such as @ $ % ^ &. Many systems can handle a twelve-character password, which is that much more secure. Never use real names, dates, English words, or anything like addresses, date of birth, kids’ names or anything that can be figured out by a hacker who might sift through your garbage for clues. If your name is Stephanie and you were born in 1980, the dumbest password you could create would be “Stephanie1980”. Any smart hacker will be able to figure that one out in minutes. Hackers have programs which contain every word in the dictionary, as well as variations on English words. All they need is time. So make it as hard for them as possible. Here is an example of a strong, effective password that is very difficult for an intruder to hack: Bg65R@dE&7bL Generate a strong password like the one above. Note that this password contains at least one or more of the following: Give this password only to those who need it, and make sure it isn’t left lying around where people could see it. Never stick it to the monitor or under your keyboard. If you can’t remember your password, write it down and carry it somewhere safe – like your wallet. And don’t write: “This is the password for the computer in the office”. Even if somebody finds it, they should not know what this password is for. A good trick is to write down your password backwards, making it that much harder for someone finding it to figure it out. If you lose your password (or the wallet that it’s in) change the password immediately. Even if your password is strong and might not be able to be figured out by a hacker’s computer program, there are many other ways for someone to access your password. “Phishing” scams use an official-looking and urgent-sounding email to get your attention and try and get you to send them your password or other confidential information. These emails look as if they come from your bank, your Internet service provider, or even the IRS. They ask you to log on to a site to change a password, provide bank account information, or give your Social Security number. Once you respond, the hacker clears out the funds in your bank account before you know it. Never respond to such requests for this type of information. And inform your employees about this danger and warn them not to open or respond to any suspicious or doubtful emails. If you are not sure about the legitimacy of an email request from an outfit where you do have an account, call the bank or whatever organization seems to be represented in the request for information, and check to see if they did in fact sent you the email. Don’t take chances. Another way people can access your password is by “shoulder surfing” – a person looks over your shoulder and watches you enter your password. This can be a real problem if you are doing work in a location other than your office – say, at your local Starbucks. Try and enter your password as quickly as you can: if possible, enter it without looking at the keyboard. Shoulder surfing can easily be done when you use a computer in a public place like Internet cafes or the library, where hackers lurk with the express intent of watching for people who might enter their passwords where they can be seen by others. When you have finished using a computer in a public place, make sure you log off. This must always be done, even if you are using a friend’s computer in a private, relatively secure place.And your password must be changed often. Given enough time, almost any password can be figured out. Some companies change passwords every week. At most, change it every few months. Every time you change your password, switch between the uppercase and lowercase letters and switch the positions of the numbers and the letters. Avoid creating a pattern where after a while a hacker can figure out your new password based on your old ones. If you have to terminate (fire) an employee who has had access to one or more of your passwords, you must change these passwords immediately. In the end, all security is dependent on awareness. Keep your eyes open, don’t be careless, and don’t try and be smart. Follow the simple rules outlined here, and always try to bear in mind that your confidential information is ALWAYS going to be at risk. The best you can do is to be alert and vigilant. For a broader survey of password secrets, visit this site at Symantec one of the leaders in cybersecurity: http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1192 You may also be interested in looking into some additional computer protection systems beyond a mere password. Today, you have the option to install a computer security system which reads voice, fingerprints or even your eye. These may cost more money but are very effective.

Comprehensive Guide to Lock and Key Services in Los Angeles

Overview of Lock and Key Services Lock and key services are fundamental in ensuring the security and safety of homes, businesses, and other properties in Los Angeles. These services are not just limited to the installation, repair, and replacement of locks; they encompass a broad spectrum of security solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of different clients. One of the primary roles of locksmiths is to fortify property against unauthorized access. In today’s market, there is a diverse range of locks available, each designed for unique security requirements. Traditional mechanical locks, such as deadbolts and padlocks, remain popular due to their proven reliability and straightforward installation. Meanwhile, the evolution of technology has given rise to sophisticated electronic lock systems that offer advanced security features. These include keyless entry systems, smart locks that can be controlled via smartphone apps, and biometric locks utilizing fingerprints for access. Lock installation services ensure that security components are correctly set up to provide maximum protection. This process involves assessing the premises to determine the best types of locks for various entry points, followed by professional installation to prevent potential vulnerabilities. Repair services are equally important, especially when locks become damaged or worn over time, compromising their effectiveness. Timely repair can extend the life of locks and maintain the overall security of the property. Lock replacement is often necessary, particularly after a security breach or when keys are lost or stolen. This service not only restores security but can also upgrade it by installing more advanced lock systems. Emergency locksmith services play a crucial role in addressing urgent issues such as lockouts, where access to properties is required immediately. These services provide swift and reliable solutions, including emergency lock repairs and rekeying to ensure continuous protection. Overall, lock and key services in Los Angeles are indispensable for maintaining adequate security levels. Whether it is through installing new locks, repairing existing ones, or offering emergency assistance, locksmiths deliver essential services to keep properties safe and secure. Choosing the Right Locksmith in Los Angeles Selecting a reliable and trustworthy locksmith service in a bustling city like Los Angeles can be a daunting task. However, by systematically considering certain factors, you can ensure that your choice is both secure and efficient. First and foremost, credentials and certifications are paramount. A locksmith service should be licensed and bonded, affording you peace of mind that you are dealing with professionals who comply with state regulations and standards. Customer reviews serve as a vital source of information when choosing a locksmith. These testimonials can provide insights into the service quality, reliability, and professionalism of the locksmith services in question. Platforms such as Yelp, Google Reviews, and the Better Business Bureau are excellent resources for reading genuine customer experiences and ratings. Analyzing service costs and ensuring transparency in pricing is another critical step. Request a detailed estimate before agreeing to any service, and make sure to inquire about any potential hidden fees. A reputable locksmith will be upfront about their pricing structure, allowing you to avoid surprise costs after the service is completed. Obtain multiple quotes to compare and ensure that you are receiving a fair price for the services rendered. Opting for a locally-operated locksmith service offers significant advantages. Local locksmiths tend to have quicker response times, which is crucial during emergency situations. Additionally, these businesses often have a better reputation within the community, as their success relies heavily on local reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations. This can be validated by consulting neighbors or local community forums. Consider this anecdote from a Los Angeles resident: “When I was locked out of my apartment late at night, I opted for a local locksmith service. Not only did they arrive within 15 minutes, but their transparent pricing and professional approach turned a stressful situation into a manageable one.” Testimonials like these underscore the value of selecting a dependable locksmith service that has consistently proven its worth in the community. By carefully evaluating credentials, customer reviews, pricing transparency, and favoring local operations, you can confidently choose the right locksmith in Los Angeles for your needs.

Comprehensive Lock and Key Services in Los Angeles

Overview of Lock and Key Services Offered in Los Angeles Los Angeles is home to a variety of lock and key services catering to the diverse needs of its residents and businesses. Among the most commonly sought-after services is residential lock installation, repair, and replacement. These services ensure that homeowners can maintain the security of their properties, whether by installing new locks, repairing malfunctioning ones, or upgrading existing systems. Additionally, locksmiths offer specialized services designed to provide comprehensive security solutions. One such specialized service is security assessment, where experts evaluate the current security measures of a property and recommend enhancements to bolster safety. This can include installing electronic key systems which provide a modern and convenient alternative to traditional locks. These systems can be tailored to individual needs, incorporating advanced technologies such as access control and unique authorization codes, offering both flexibility and heightened security. Smart lock integration is another burgeoning service, driven by the increasing demand for smart home technology. These locks allow users to control and monitor their home’s entry points remotely via smartphones or other devices, adding a layer of convenience and technological sophistication to home security. Locksmiths proficient in smart lock systems can assist with installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance, ensuring seamless operation. Emergency services are a crucial aspect of lock and key solutions in Los Angeles. Locksmiths provide assistance with lockouts, helping those who find themselves accidentally locked out of their homes or vehicles. Lost key replacement is another vital service, enabling individuals to quickly regain access to their property. Furthermore, key duplication services ensure that additional keys are available as needed, providing peace of mind to residents and business owners alike. The importance of selecting experienced and certified locksmiths cannot be overstated. Quality service is paramount to ensuring long-lasting security and functionality, making it essential to choose professionals with proven expertise. The unique demands of the Los Angeles market, including the need for high-end lock systems for luxury homes and commercial properties, underscore the necessity for locksmiths who are adept at handling sophisticated security measures. Choosing the Right Lock and Key Service Provider in Los Angeles When selecting a lock and key service provider in Los Angeles, several critical factors should be taken into account to ensure that you choose a reputable and reliable service. First and foremost, consider the provider’s reputation. A company with a strong reputation is often indicative of trustworthy and high-quality service. Look for providers with positive customer reviews and testimonials. These insights from previous clients can offer a realistic perspective on the quality of service you can expect. Certification and professional affiliations are another important consideration. Ensure that the locksmiths are certified by recognized industry bodies. Certification not only signifies that the provider has the necessary skills and knowledge but also that they adhere to industry standards and best practices. Additionally, verify the number of years they have been in business. Experience often correlates with proficiency, and a provider that has been operating for many years typically has a proven track record of success. The importance of 24/7 availability for emergencies cannot be overstated. Locks and security issues can arise at any time, and having access to a service provider that offers round-the-clock assistance is crucial. Many quality providers in Los Angeles offer emergency locksmith services, ensuring you are never left stranded during critical times. Mobile locksmith services further add to this convenience by providing quick response times, thereby mitigating potential risks quickly and efficiently. Considering providers that offer comprehensive insurance and guarantees on their work is also essential. These safeguards demonstrate that the provider stands behind their services and provides an additional layer of security for you. Insurance can cover any potential damage during the service, and guarantees ensure that any issues with the work performed will be rectified without additional costs. Finally, take the time to verify the credentials of any prospective provider. This can be done by checking with regulatory bodies or consumer protection agencies for any complaints or issues. Proper due diligence in this area will help you avoid unscrupulous providers and ensure that you receive high-quality, reliable service. By considering these factors, you can make a well-informed decision when choosing a lock and key service provider in Los Angeles.

Providing Lock and Key Services in Los Angeles: Ensuring Security and Convenience

Overview of Lock and Key Services: A Vital Need in Los Angeles Los Angeles, known for its vast urban landscape and dynamic lifestyle, requires robust security measures to ensure the safety and convenience of its residents and businesses. Lock and key services play a crucial role in addressing these security needs. Whether it’s for residential or commercial properties, Los Angeles locksmiths offer an extensive array of solutions to meet diverse requirements. Traditional locks remain a staple in securing entry points, providing tried-and-tested reliability. These mechanical devices are widely used due to their simplicity and effectiveness. Beyond conventional locks, there has been a surge in the adoption of smart locks and keyless entry systems among the tech-savvy population of Los Angeles. Smart locks, with their ability to be controlled remotely via mobile apps, enhance convenience and offer higher security levels through features like real-time monitoring and customizable access codes. Keyless entry systems have also gained prominence, especially in commercial settings. By using cards, fobs, or biometric identifiers, these systems eliminate the need for physical keys and minimize the risk of unauthorized access. In a city like Los Angeles, where the demand for sophisticated security solutions is high, such innovations are essential for maintaining secure environments. Professional locksmith services extend beyond standard installations and upgrades. The fast-paced lifestyle of the city often leads to situations requiring immediate assistance, such as lockouts. Emergency lockout services are indispensable, providing quick and reliable solutions to regain access without compromising security. For both residents and business owners, having access to 24/7 emergency locksmith services brings significant peace of mind, knowing that help is available whenever needed. In conclusion, the lock and key services in Los Angeles are integral to addressing the complex security demands of the city’s diverse population. From traditional locks to advanced smart systems, and essential emergency services, professional locksmiths ensure both safety and convenience are maintained at the highest standards. “`html Choosing the Right Locksmith: Tips for Los Angeles Residents When it comes to selecting a locksmith in Los Angeles, reliability and professionalism are paramount. One of the first steps in identifying a reputable locksmith is to check for certifications. Professional credentials, such as those from the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA), indicate that the locksmith has undergone rigorous training and adheres to industry standards. Another practical tip is to read customer reviews. Online platforms like Yelp, Google Reviews, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) can provide valuable insights into the experiences of past customers. Pay attention to recurring themes in the reviews, such as punctuality, quality of work, and customer service. Verification of insurance and bonding is also essential when choosing a locksmith. These aspects protect both the locksmith and the client in case of accidental damage or losses. A legitimate locksmith will have no reservations about providing proof of insurance and bonding when requested. Obtaining on-site estimates and understanding the cost breakdown are crucial steps in the selection process. Reputable locksmiths will be transparent about their pricing and provide a detailed estimate before commencing any work. This practice ensures that there are no hidden fees and that clients have a clear understanding of what they are paying for. Service guarantees are another indicator of a trustworthy locksmith. A comprehensive guarantee on services not only reflects confidence in the quality of work but also provides peace of mind for the customer. Ensure that any guarantees offered are detailed in writing, outlining what is covered and for how long. Working with local locksmiths familiar with Los Angeles neighborhoods offers significant advantages. Local professionals have a keen understanding of the unique security challenges prevalent in the area and can provide tailored solutions accordingly. In addition to choosing the right locksmith, preventive measures and regular maintenance play a crucial role in ensuring long-term security. Regularly changing locks, upgrading to high-security systems, and conducting periodic security assessments can significantly enhance your property’s safety. “`